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Last time you had sex, were you:

 Stopping yourself from asking for what you want and need?

Worried about what your body looks like?

Telling yourself it might be painful, unpleasant, or triggering?

Wondering whether or not you'd reach orgasm?

Thinking about everything you need to do?

Asking yourself, when will it be over?

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If any of these ring true for you, I want you to know that many women share similar thoughts and experiences.

Buddha statue next to lotus

I’ve worked with hundreds of women who long for deeper connection and greater sexual pleasure, but habitual thinking, trauma, self-consciousness, and limiting beliefs get in their way. These habits of the mind inhibit our ability to drop in, open up, connect, and experience both intimacy and enjoyment. 

And today’s world only adds additional barriers to the healing and pleasure-filled sex we all deserve.

Yet, we always have a choice about how we relate to and interpret our inner and outer experiences.

In our work together, you'll learn to dissolve your mental and emotional inhibitions and shift your attention from the noise and chatter of your mind. When this happens, it's possible to release yourself from entrapping thoughts and choose to be deliciously attuned to the intricacies of your sexual body. 

By focusing on the sublime beauty of the moment, we ultimately experience more aliveness, pleasure, and joy. 

And when we drop in completely, a deep quieting happens inside of us, the light of radiant awareness shines through, and we connect with something much greater than ourselves. 

Wouldn’t it be lovely if sex always happened this way? Sure, it can, and sometimes it does. But not for everyone, and certainly not all the time. And that’s okay, too.

In fact, when we allow our erotic experience to be exactly as it is—no matter what it looks like—we free ourselves from the prison of judgment and shame we may have been trapped in for years. 

Instead, we can choose to embrace ourselves exactly as we are, inviting in the self-love that serves up a whole new world of erotic possibilities. 

Would you like to experience this for yourself? You can! Please reach out. I'd be pleased to guide you on your journey.

A Psychospiritual

Approach to

Erotic Transformation

Through our work together, you will:

  • Learn to experience peace and deeply-felt pleasure in your body

  • Explore new ways to love yourself, whether partnered or not

  • Gain knowledge to overcome specific—even longstanding—sexual difficulties

  • Discover the heart of your sexual truths by gently peeling away shame-filled stories

  • Give voice to your most charged passions and fantasies, for both healing AND pleasure

Mindful Sexuality allows you to:

  • Bring your full self to sex—every time

  • Let go, drop in, and experience greater pleasure, connection, and joy

  • Rekindle sexual relationships that have lost their spark

  • Feel more alive and powerful in all aspects of your life

 Please call me at

(415) 863-2222.

I offer a free and confidential phone consultation.

Pretty purple hummingbird

I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and sex therapist with more than 20 years of experience. In addition to my expertise in sex, relationship, and couples therapy, I’ve helped hundreds of clients work through trauma, stress, anxiety, and depression. I incorporate both spiritual wisdom and evidenced-based approaches (such as EMDR, mindfulness, and neuroplasticity) to help you dissolve limiting beliefs, find your truth, and experience inner abiding peace and joy. My sex-positive practice includes extensive experience with polyamory, non-monogamy, and kink, in addition to all common sexual concerns.

Beth Apfelbaum, MFT

MFC 43095
(415) 863-2222

San Francisco

Oakland and the East Bay

The greater Bay Area

All of California

© Beth Apfelbaum 2023

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